Invited conferences

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The Organizing Committee has had the pleasure to welcome several internationally renowned invited speakers:



  • Invited conference: "Unprecedented biofabrication opportunities offered by hydrogel design"

Prof. Sandra Van Vlierberghe (Ghent University ; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

 Prof S Van Vlierberghe


  • Invited conference: "Redefining identity of disease, tissues and cells - a biomaterial paradigm"

Prof. Abhay Pandit (Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM), National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland)

 Prof A Pandit


  • Invited conference: "New polymers and strategies for drug delivery Applications"   

Prof. Julien Nicolas (Institut Galien Paris-Sud UMR CNRS 8612, France)

 Prof J Nicolas


  • Invited conference: "Bioinspired strategies for bone regeneration"

Prof. Maria Pau Ginebra (Technical University of Catalonia - UPC, Spain)

 Prof MP Ginebra


  • Invited conference: "Bioactivity tests: the good and the less good"

  Prof. Marc Bohner (RMS Foundation, Switzerland)

 Prof M Bohner


  • "Focus" conference : "Bio-lubrication: from cellular response to bio-tribo-corrosion" 

Dr. Ana-Maria Sfarghiu (Université de Lyon, France)

Dr AM Sfarghiu 


  • "Focus" conference: "Piezoelectricity of bone tissues: detection of piezoelectricity in human tooth enamel and dentine inorganic phase"

Prof. Etienne Bres (Université de Lille, France)

 Prof E Bres


  • Invited conferences: "Industrial session"

Dr. Sophie Rouif (Ionisos company)

Dr. Julien Payen (Lattice Medical company)


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